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Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society

Foundation Course Pictures

Foundation Course-42F
Duration: 2-Feb to 9-Feb 2023

Candidates from FastTrack Foundation Course-42 with Murray G6JYB and John M0JOC

Foundation Course-40F
Duration: 6-Feb to 20-Feb 2020

Happy candidates from Foundation Course 40 with CARS Exam Secretary John M0JOC and Mark M0IEO

Using the recent introduction of Syllabus-2019, all six candidates pleased with their RSGB online exam.

Foundation Course-39
Duration: 17-Jan to 21-Feb 2019

Happy candidates from Foundation Course 39

Foundation Course-38
Duration: 6-Sep to 11-Oct 2018

Three more happy candidates - with Peter M0PSD & Dorothy M0LMR

These were among the first to get the new M7 callsign series: James M7ABH, Kevin M7ESX, Paul M7SQL

Foundation Course-37
Duration: 18-Jan to 22-Feb 2018

After the exam: Happy candidates from Course 37, with trainers Jim 2E0RMI and Bob G4MDB

Week-5, Feb-15: The Mock Exam

Station Build and VHF Practicals on Course-37

Foundation Course-36
Duration: 7-Sep to 12-Oct 2017

Dec-7: Two more successes, after the Dec-7 Re-sit - with another planned
Jamie M6LZI (Left) and Tom M6LYQ (Right)

Oct-12: Successful candidates (seated) at the end of the 36th Foundation exam
Standing: Oliver M0WAG (Invigilator) with trainers Chris G0IPU & Alan M0IWZ.
This also marked Chris G0IPU stepping back from lead tutor after umpteen years

Sept-7: Chris G0IPU at the start of Course-36

Foundation Course-35
Duration: 19-Jan to 23-Feb 2017

Feb-23: Happy candidates at the end of the 35th Foundation exam

Foundation Course-34
Duration: 1-Sep to 6-Oct 2016

Sep-1: Start of the 34th Foundation exam

Chris G0IPU giving the kick-off pep talk

Foundation Practicals-2
Duration: 14-Jul to 21-Jul 2016

In 2016 short Foundation Practical Sessions were introduced as a new training option - especially for those undertaking distance learning or online courses.

Jul-14: An HF Radio Practical - with Chris G0IPU supervising

Foundation Course-33
Duration: 14-Jan to 18-Feb 2016

Feb-18: Candidates at the end of the 33rd Foundation exam

Also pictured on front left is Ray Shaves M6GVE (from Course-32) who successfully took his Intermediate exam in the same session

Foundation Course-32
Duration: 3-Sep to 8-Oct 2015

Feb-19: Happy candidates at the end of the 32nd Foundation exam

Course 32 was the first under the latest RSGB exam regime (which included licence conditions/handout). In total 12 candidates received indicative passes, making a very successful outcome for what was Clive G1EUCs last batch of recruits before he sadly became a silent key.

Foundation Course-31
Duration: 15-Jan to 19-Feb 2015

Feb-19: Successful candidates at the end of the 31st Foundation exam

Chris G0IPU checking the RCF feedback forms

Foundation Course-30
Duration: 4-Sep to 9-Oct 2014

30th Foundation Course
Oct-9: All nine successful candidates at the end of the 30th Foundation exam

Foundation Course-29
Duration: 9-Jan to 13-Feb 2014

29th Foundation Course
Feb-13: Successful Candidates at the end of the 29th Foundation Course with Carl G3PEM, Lead Invigilator

Foundation Course-28
Duration: 5-Sep to 10-Oct 2013

28th Foundation Course
Oct-10: All Eight Successful Candidates at the end of the 28th Foundation Course

Course 28 was the first CARS exam to use the new Optical Marking System, so the smiling faces were based on 'indicative marking'.

Foundation Course-27
Duration: 10-Jan to 14-Feb 2013

27th Foundation Course
Feb-14: Successful Candidates at the end of the 27th Foundation Course

Foundation Course-26
Duration: 30-Aug to 4-Oct 2012

26th Foundation Course

26th Foundation Course
Oct-4: Successful Candidates at the end of the 26th Foundation Course

Foundation Course-25
Duration: 12-Jan to 16-Feb 2012

25th Foundation Course
Jan-16: Candidates at the end of the 25th Foundation Course

Foundation Course-24
Duration: 1-Sep to 6-Oct 2011

24th Foundation Course Success
Oct-6: Successful candidates at the end of the 24th Foundation Course

Foundation Course-23
Duration: 13-Jan to 17-Feb 2011

23rd Foundation Course Success
Feb-17: All eight candidates at the end of a successful 23rd Foundation Course

After the exam - having Echolink QSOs (arranged by Martyn G1EFL)

Foundation Course-22
Duration: 2-Sep to 7-Oct 2010

22nd Foundation Course Success
Oct-7: Successful 22nd Foundation Course candidates with Martyn, G1EFL

Foundation Course-21
Duration: 14-Jan to 18-Feb 2010

21st Foundation Course Success
Feb-18: The landmark CARS 21st Foundation Course - all successful
Front row; - Trevor, M5AKA; Lead Instructor Martyn, G1EFL; Training Manager Clive, G1EUC;
Invigilator, David, M0BQC and Mark, M0IEO.

21st Danbury Foundation Course
Jan-14: the CARS 21st Foundation Course in Danbury Village Hall

Foundation Course-20
Duration: 3-Sep to 8-Oct 2009

Successful candidates from Course-20
Photo by Mark M0IEO

The nine successful candidates from Course-20 with Murray G6JYB and Cathy Martin left; and Martyn G1EFL, course leader, on the right

Candidates on Course-20
Photo by John, G8DET - with kind permission from Cathy Martin

Candidates listening intently to Martyn's talk on Licence Conditions

Foundation Course-19
Duration: 26-Feb to 2-Apr 2009

Successful candidates from Course-19
Photo by Trevor, M5AKA

The successful candidates from Course-19. From left to right:-
Gareth James, Ross Turner, Yvonne Stainer, Peter Watkins, Richard Muswell.

Foundation Course-18K (KEGS-2)
Duration: 8-Jan to 12-Feb 2009

Successful candidates from Course-19
Candidates and Tutors at the end of the course

Andrew starts the Morse class...
Andrew Kersey G0IBN led the Morse appreciation

Chris G0IPU demonstrating radio
Lead Tutor Chris G0IPU demonstrating radio controls

Photos courtesy of Penny Bunting at KEGS

Foundation Course-17
Duration: 12-Jun to 17-Jul 2008

Successful candiates and tutors from CARS Foundation Course-17
Ten Successful candidates from Course-17

Couse-17 at Danbury
Photo by Murray G6JYB

A snapshot from Course-17.

Foundation Course-16
Duration: 10-Jan to 14-Feb 2008

Clive introducing CARS Foundation Course-16
Photo by John, G8DET

CARS Training Manager, Clive G1EUC, introduces ten candidates to the Foundation Course on a wet and windy Thursday evening on 10th January 2008.

Also in attendance are Murray G6JYB, Carl G3PEM, Trevor M5AKA & Lead Trainer Martyn G1EFL. Off camera were Chris G0IPU & Andy Beaumont M0TIU.

Foundation Course-15
Duration: 22-Feb to 29-Mar 2007

Successful candiates and tutors from CARS Foundation Course-16

CARS Training team and candidates from the 15th Foundation Course

Foundation Course-14K (KEGS-1)
Duration: 4-Jan to 22-Feb 2007

Read about this successful course here...

Foundation Course-13
Duration: 25-May to 29-Jun 2006

CARS Foundation Course-13
Foundation Course-13 candidates receiving tuition.

HF Rig Assessment on Foundation Course-13
Tuning in an HF station

Blind Candidate Graham Woodward with tutor Martyn Medcalf

Graham, now M3OQI, taking notes on his Braille Writer during his Foundation HF on-air QSO assessment with CARS instructor Martyn Medcalf G1EFL.

CARS contacted Kelvin Marsh M0AID from the Radio Amateurs Invalid and Blind Club (RAIBC). He was most helpful and provided the club with an MP3 CD version of the RSGB Foundation Licence Now! training manual.

Photos by Trevor M5AKA

Foundation Course-12
Duration: 12-Jan to 16-Feb 2006

CARS Foundation Course-12 - Photo by Trevor M5AKA

Successful candidates who passed Foundation Course-12 on Feb-16:-
1) Richard Beck, 2) Jim Salmon, 3) Chris Mills, 4) Aaron Payne, 5) Alex Lees
6) Chris Layton, 7) Gail Osborne, 8) Grant Stockbridge, 9) Adrian Booker (not shown)

Clive G1EUC with Gail, Jim & Alex - Photo by John G8DET

Clive G1EUC with Gail, Jim & Alex.

Foundation Course-11
Duration: 9-Jun to 14-Jul 2005

CARS Foundation Course-11 - Photo by Trevor M5AKA

The 14 successful candidates who took the Foundation Exam at the
Danbury Village Hall on Thursday 14th July 2005, along with their instructors.

Foundation Course-10
Duration: 20-Jan to 24-Feb 2005

Successful candidates at the end of the course

CARS Foundation Course-10 - Photo by Trevor M5AKA
Candidates at Danbury during Foundation Course-10

Carl Teaching - Photo by M5AKA
Carl G3PEM teaching candidates during Course-10

Foundation Course-9
Duration: 11-Mar to 15-Apr 2004

Foundation Course Passes April 2004

Foundation Course Passes, 15th April, 2004.
These include 1)Stephen Potter, 2)Vincent Frostick, 3)Steve Hall, 4)Scott Davis, (12 years old); 5)Mathew Davis,(14 years old); 6)Mrs Myra Davis, 7)Douglas Knowles, 8)John Reynolds, 9)Tony King, 10)Glenys Anthony, 11)Vic Anthony, 12)Derek Vanstone & Wayne Knapp. Photo by Anthony, M1FDE

Some came from as far away as Southend to attend the Course.

Well done to the successful candidates & Course Tutors.

Foundation Course-7
Duration: 6-Mar to 10-Apr 2003

The 5 candidates who all passed & Instructors

The five Foundation Candidates who all passed in April, 2003 & the CARS Instructors
Photograph taken by Trevor, M5AKA

Foundation Course-6
Duration: 9-Jan to 13-Feb 2003

Sam operates the CARS rig

Sam (left) operating the CARS Foundation rig with Martyn, G1EFL

Foundation Course-6 Passes, Feb 2003

The Foundation Candidates who all passed on Feb-13 2003
Photograph taken by Trevor, M5AKA

Foundation Course-5
Duration: 24-Oct to 28-Nov 2002

The Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society's 5th Evening Foundation Course at St. Mary's, Great Baddow was a great success.

On Thursday, 28th November, 2002 the 11 candidates took the written assessment and all passed at the first attempt.

Congratulations to all those who took the Course and thanks to the many Instructors and helpers who were involved.

The CARS Leaders at Great Baddow

CARS Foundation Course Instructors bringing their kit in at Great Baddow.
From left to right. Martyn G1EFL, Clive M0SIX, Anthony M1FDE, Murray G6JYB and Chris G0IPU. Photograph by Trevor M5AKA.
Look at the kit they are using!

The 11 Foundation Candidates who passed

CARS Great Baddow Foundation Course.
All 11 Candidates passed at the first attempt, well done.

Photograph by Trevor M5AKA

Foundation Course-2
Duration: 16-May to 20-Jun 2002

Those who passed the Exam

Group picture of those Foundation Candidates who passed, 20th June 2002.

Thanks to the many CARS members who were also involved in the running of the above Foundation Courses. They carried out a range of activities including on-air contacts, additional tuition, making of teaching aids, course assessment and the tea making duties (most important!).

Murray, G6JYB talking about BNC Connectors

Murray, G6JYB talking about BNC Connectors at the Foundation Course in Danbury on 16th May 2002. Note the words of wisdom on the board.

Martyn and Michael Sullivan with a FT 817

Martyn, G1EFL and Michael Sullivan with a FT 817 and a Miracle Whip at the Foundation Course in Danbury on 16th May 2002. The first contact was DX.

CARS Foundation Course Instructors

CARS Foundation Instructors on the 20th June, 2002 final evening of Course-2.
Left to Right:- Carl G3PEM, Murray G6JYB, Clive M0SIX, Chris G0IPU, Martyn G1EFL & David M0BQC.

Foundation Course-1
Duration: 10-Jan to 14-Feb 2002

Chris, G0IPU demonstrating skip with the aid of a  torch
Chris, G0IPU demonstrating skip with the aid of a torch to two Foundation Course members (both Passed) on the February, 2002 Course.

In total 9 candidates were on this first course and 8 passed. They were, ladies first, Christine Cheverall, Suzanne Tokley, John Sanderson, Bob Hastings, Ron Spooner, Jeremy Barley, Rob Barrick, Barry Townsend and Paul Northover.

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