CARS Meetings: July - September 2024 |
©Copyright CARS
July Meeting
Tue 2-Jul-2024, 7.30-9pm
Danbury Village Hall"Vintage & Military Radio"
Iain Moffat G0OZSFor our July meeting, we were privileged to have Iain Moffatt G0OZS from Ipswich, who gave an expert presentation on military radio, including ones you can reuse on amateur HF and VHF bands. Iain also brought quite a few examples from his extensive collection.
Iain gave a history of the generations of post-war military radios, which as transistors and more integration became available, duly became more sophisticated and compact, though maintaining their rugged looks.
One point that came out is they were designed for true novices, so quite a few had nice guides on their labels for setting up antennas and tuning – for squaddies without a Full Licence exam!
Following the talk, the tea and raffle session enabled lots of Q+A and a closer look at the hardware that Iain had brought
Examples of Antenna and Tuning guidance labels on military radios - Why not on amateur ones?!
August Meeting
6-Aug-2024, 7:30pm
Se7en Elephants, Chelmsford CM2 0DG"Summer Social Indian Meal"
CARS MembersFollowing last year’s very enjoyable Chinese, this year’s Summer Social meal was at the 'Se7en Elephants' Indian Restaurant in central Chelmsford at 10A Baddow Road, CM2 0DG. This proved to be another good choice – with plenty of good food. More Info: Se7en Elephants website.
Although it may overlap summer holidays, it was a shame there were just seven folk from our overall large membership. So, do make a note of it for next summer – Tue 5th Aug 2025 tbc – ahead of which we will announce the venue and booking/deposit process (assuming we have a new treasurer!)
L-to-R : John G8DET, Keith G4WGE, Martin G4TOO, Graham G7JYD, Simon G7HCD, Murray G6JYB, Elliott M0JBY Our President John G8DET had come prepared with some extensive research on the menu choices!
September Meeting
3-Sep-2024, 7.30-9:30pm
Danbury Village Hall"Essex Table Top Sale"
By CARS MembersThe annual Table Top Sale which CARS hosts in September was very well attended and enjoyed by all. Amongst other things David Ingrey ran a popular surplus and Silent Key table, whilst other goodies included tools, meters, PSUs, RF kit/connectors, and even FM/DAB hi-fi tuners.
A corner was also set aside for folk to have refreshments and chat, with it overall making for a very enjoyable evening which was finished off by the raffle courtesy of Andy G0IBN.
Members and Visitors at the September Table Top Sale
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